Monday, September 24, 2012

Hired me la...

ambik la saya ye untuk coach team bola anda~
kepada liga-liga tempatan saya bersedia untuk melatih team anda...
gaji bole runding...
dibawah ini adalah antara pencapaian saya...

Champion League


Thursday, September 20, 2012

bla bla bla...ancient alien...

Yup, ancient alien~~
do to there is no other thing to watch so I decide to watch it...
on history channel of course...
HISTORY channel...
what so interesting that I need to blog about it?
it's because there are so many theories that is totally full of crap...
there is this theory that support the charles darwin theory of evolution that stated we human are evolve from ape...
and in this show they support it by saying the ~aliens~ did some gene modification to the apes and that is how human is made...
and more the gene that been used is one of "theirs" combining with the ape gene..
in other words we are a ~aliens~ and ape hybrid...
WTF right?
then they saying that is how adam and eve exist...
Seriously dude, if you have religion you never said thing like that...
I have just only one question if we human really were made by that ~aliens~ of your's...
who made them?
the big bang?

maybe this guy made us?

this is only a drawing from the ancient time, some time it doesn't mean anything..
but us human just want to believe there is something else beside us in this universe..

do to the long head carving in this picture, they believe it's an ~aliens~...
who know it might just an imagination of the carver...
we as human do exaggerate about this small stuff... 

the ancient astronaut...
what if we the one who copied this design of suit for our astronaut...
stop looking down on our ancestor..
perhaps they are more advance than us in technology...
stop the crap about ~aliens~ we are far more advance than any creature in this universe...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Blablabla proverb engerishh

"A friend in need's a friend indeed"
Selepas digoogle translatekan~
"Seorang kawan yang memerlukan teman memang"
Tak masuk akal kan maknanye dalam malay?
memang?memang apa?