Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is a very ooooold video...
but i just realize that the guy in the yellow suit is none other Yoo Jae Suk...
after so looooooong and finally realize it...
so slow...

ya this yellow suit guy...

how can i missed it...

Friday, November 23, 2012


Lama dah nak post tp malas sangat..
sampai la hari nie..
tonton in japanese stand for babi...
ye, babi...
so setiap kali tgk iklan tonton...
aku dgr dia ckp babi babi babi...
tlgla alert sikit...
maybe ramai tak tau or tak peduli...
tp kalau la orang jepun nampak bende nie tak ke lain dia pikir...

 ni ha tonton...
aku tau tonton tu babi pun sebab baca komik naruto...

P/S : komik sangat banyak membantu dalam pelajaran saya~

Monday, November 19, 2012

Not a champion anymore...

Finally it's ended..
well I did have a good run~
but still no.2 is still quite good~
and yup the offer to hire me as a coach still open~~

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Enough la!!

About what?
About the in relationship on facebook la...
Not the normal one between male and female...
the odd one, female with other female...
and you even

Searched for "enough" on google image and found this instead...
and i like it..~

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fuck U!!! Tarbush waiter!!

There is the fucking different between a cappuccino and mocha.....asshole!!!
If you dont know what you're serving every freaking day than you do not work at all you fucking freeloader!!!
Dont act like you know everything!
I know i look young and easy to be fool,but i do look through something that making me unease...
And yup it's different!!

Mocha - a latte with chocolate sauce sometimes chocolate milk.
Cappuccino - foamed milk and espresso
Latte - steamed milk and espresso

for mo info please visit

Also there is a coffee bean called mocha...
and that is the easiest way to differ between mocha and cappuccino...
So now you know the different...
and last but not least...


Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up?!

Nope, i don't really care~
I do care to post about it~

Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy2 bday to me~~


Sunday, October 21, 2012


I want to do something but without doing anything...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hired me la...

ambik la saya ye untuk coach team bola anda~
kepada liga-liga tempatan saya bersedia untuk melatih team anda...
gaji bole runding...
dibawah ini adalah antara pencapaian saya...

Champion League


Thursday, September 20, 2012

bla bla bla...ancient alien...

Yup, ancient alien~~
do to there is no other thing to watch so I decide to watch it...
on history channel of course...
HISTORY channel...
what so interesting that I need to blog about it?
it's because there are so many theories that is totally full of crap...
there is this theory that support the charles darwin theory of evolution that stated we human are evolve from ape...
and in this show they support it by saying the ~aliens~ did some gene modification to the apes and that is how human is made...
and more the gene that been used is one of "theirs" combining with the ape gene..
in other words we are a ~aliens~ and ape hybrid...
WTF right?
then they saying that is how adam and eve exist...
Seriously dude, if you have religion you never said thing like that...
I have just only one question if we human really were made by that ~aliens~ of your's...
who made them?
the big bang?

maybe this guy made us?

this is only a drawing from the ancient time, some time it doesn't mean anything..
but us human just want to believe there is something else beside us in this universe..

do to the long head carving in this picture, they believe it's an ~aliens~...
who know it might just an imagination of the carver...
we as human do exaggerate about this small stuff... 

the ancient astronaut...
what if we the one who copied this design of suit for our astronaut...
stop looking down on our ancestor..
perhaps they are more advance than us in technology...
stop the crap about ~aliens~ we are far more advance than any creature in this universe...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Blablabla proverb engerishh

"A friend in need's a friend indeed"
Selepas digoogle translatekan~
"Seorang kawan yang memerlukan teman memang"
Tak masuk akal kan maknanye dalam malay?
memang?memang apa?

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Now I am officially single~
And I am ok with that..
Hopefully i'll meet someone that is truly mine to hold as my bride...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good job tv3~

Ingat tak cerita ni? Takde la famous sangat tapi yang mana tahu still tahu la kan...dan untuk yang tidak tahu nie lah bloo dari kartun "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"...kenapa la nak post kartun budak2 nie kan?...sebab tv3 punya Bananana mascot sejibik kartun nie...kaler je lain...sangat creative btol org yang design mascot ni...hohoho...lama dah nak post bende kemalasan melanda jiwa ini~

Ni la mascot nye...sangat bananannananana

Good job tv3~~~

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


NO,NO,NO... I'm not changing my hair colour, it just that I want to let it out of my chest that I LOVE REDHEADS'~~
It doesn't matter whether it's a natural or coloured I LOVE EM ALL~~
So here some of the REDHEAD that you can find on the net~~

I do wish that more and more MALAYSIAN have REDHEAD~
I did try to search MALAYSIAN REDHEAD but I discovered something else~~

Monday, May 21, 2012


So bukan akhirnya, still ada peluang lagi untuk baik balik~yay~..hopefully ok la lepas nie..haih..

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Lama dah tak update blog nie dan tetiba hari nie rasa nak catat sesuatu, akhirnya dah confirm saya memang dah tiada apa2 dgn seseorang nie. Sikit punya susah nak dengar jawapannya. Tapi nak buat camne memang takde jodoh la. Lagi pun memang salah aku pun, tak sabar, marah2 je kejenye. Hopefully someday, somewhere and someone will be mine and mine alone. Hari nie tak rasa sedih lagi la, esok maybe nangis kot...maybe...hahaha

Monday, February 13, 2012

gabus dan kobis??

Pelik tapi benar...tak masuk akal tapi itu yang jadi...apa? susu!!
susu apa? susu ibu la, kalau la susu tidak keluar dengan lancarnya
sile la gantung gabus atau kobis di leher, dan tunggu sahaja keajaiban berlaku~~

Ini kobis...kalau tak tau la...
dan ini gabus

P/s: Untuk ibu yang menyusukan anak sahaja!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Why must we read books?

Because the book does not read by itself...and that suck...